Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Film Mini analysis City of God ( 2002) Assignment

Film Mini analysis City of God ( 2002) - Assignment Example A lot of people start chasing the animal and shouting at others to catch it. The narrator, whose nickname is Rocket (Buscape), finds himself very close to the chicken and tries to grab it. At this point he realizes he is right in the middle of the way with the police and the criminals at each side. He starts talking about how it is harsh to live in that favela and says an expression that can be literaly translated into: "If you run away, the beast catches you, if you stay still, the beast eats you". That means that there are no options once you are in that place, in that kind of situation. The only question is how you're gonna make it until the next day. This scene is intense since its beginning because it shows how desperated the chicken is to escape. All other chickens are being killed and scalped, but that one managed to run away while the motion of the camera can capture that escape closely. However, the lucky chicken will probably be eaten sometime later. That might be the case with people. Some of them struggle not to get involved in the surrounding criminality, but not all of them succeed. Rocket and many others lived the same reality.

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